5 minute read Last updated on November 07, 2024

Before you can run Dispatcher Stratus workflows on a device, you must install the free Dispatcher Stratus App onto the device. The MFP app enables you to:

  • Connect the device to your tenant.

  • Access your workflows at the MFP, with or without a virtual private network (VPN).

  • Use single sign-on (SSO) with any supported third-party application.

Use of the MFP app requires a Konica Minolta MarketPlace account.

Getting the App Up and Running in Your Tenant

The process involves the following basic steps:

  1. Purchase the app from MarketPlace.

  2. Install the app onto one or more devices.

  3. Add those devices to your tenant.

Purchasing the App

The Dispatcher Stratus App is available free from MarketPlace. If you have an available quantity of the app, you can install them onto devices. If not, you must purchase the app. Do the following:

  1. Log in to your MarketPlace account, or create one if you are not registered and then log in.

  2. On the Apps & Licenses page, the Apps panel lists the apps you previously purchased, and indicates the quantity available for installation for each. If you have no available quantity for the MFP app, proceed to the next step. Otherwise, you can skip the purchasing process and install your available apps onto devices.

  3. To purchase the app, access the Market page, then locate the app you want to install. Use the Search field to locate the app:

    Market page

  4. Select the app, then continue with the purchasing process. The app is free. MarketPlace Online Help describes the purchasing process. Purchase an app for each device you want to use with your Dispatcher Stratus tenant.

  5. Once purchased, the app appears on the Apps & Licenses page, along with your available quantity. From this page, you can install the app onto any device to which you have MarketPlace admin access.


  • On the MarketPlace site, for a device to appear for selection (for example, to select it for installation):

    • The MarketPlace Client must be installed on the device, which enables MarketPlace to communicate with the device.

    • You must have MarketPlace admin access to the device.

  • You can also install the app directly at the MFP for devices to which you have admin access.

Installing the App

Purchased apps appear on your Apps & Licenses page on MarketPlace, as well as on the MarketPlace App Manager on devices connected to MarketPlace. You can install purchased apps onto any device connected to MarketPlace, provided you have admin access to the device. You can install either:

Connecting Devices to Your Tenant

Once the MFP App is installed on a device, your tenant can see it and you can add the device to the tenant. You can execute workflows only on devices that have been added to your tenant.

Using the MFP App

Installing an app on a device causes the MarketPlace Apps & Licenses page to decrease the app’s Available count and add the device to that app’s list of installed devices. At the device, the app’s icon appears on the device’s MarketPlace Home page:


You can either:

  • Select App Manager to access the Settings page for the app.

  • Select the icon to load the app and run workflows.

    Note: The app can run workflows only if the device has been added (connected) to your tenant.

App Settings

The App Manager on a device provides access to any configuration options available for the app. The settings apply only to you when you access the device. To access the app’s Settings page, do the following:

  1. At the MFP, on the MarketPlace Home page, select App Manager. The Authenticate page appears.

  2. Provide your MarketPlace credentials, and then select Login. You may be required to provide the device’s admin password as well. Once you authenticate, the App Manager appears.

  3. Select the Installed tab to display a list of your apps currently installed on the device:


  4. Locate the Dispatcher Stratus app in the list and select the Settings button associated with the app. The Settings screen for the app appears, displaying the following options:

    App Settings

  • Keep Logged In - To allow for single sign-on (SSO), select Yes. With this feature enabled, only a single login is required to access the app at the MFP. That is, users who authenticate at the MFP will only be required to enter their login credentials the first time they access the app.

  • Allow Keep Logged in For Public User - To allow the Public user to stay logged in, select Yes. Otherwise, select No.

Loading the App

To load the MFP App at the device, access the MarketPlace Home page and select the icon for the app:


Executing a Workflow

The Select a Workflow page lists Dispatcher Stratus workflows for which the following is true:

  • Current version of the workflow has been verified.

  • Include an enabled MFP Capture collection node.

  • Has been set to Run.

  • Is owned by, or has been shared with, you.

  • Has been shared with the device.

    App Workflows

To execute a workflow, select its icon. The workflow appears, and you can now perform any required steps that were configured for the workflow, such as:

  • Log in to a third-party CMS for distribution

  • Adjust scan settings

  • Enter additional information about the document, etc.

For more information, see the Workflow Management and Using the Workflow Designer topics.

Logging Out of the App

To log out of the app at the device, you have the following options:

Icon Name Description
Logout Button Logout button Logs you out of the app and returns you to the app’s Login page.
Logout Button Home button Logs you out of the app and returns you to Home page configured for the device.